Kitty thailand girl b2b massage big boobs at puchong and serdang

Kitty (Thailand) big boobs

General about her

Kitty is another thai lady with many years experience and she is one of the highly recommended if you haven’t tried her yet. She speak english, chinese and cantonese and her thai massage skill is rated master. Her sensual b2b massage is high level and tip top. She is another must try for those who looking for high level service.

Just tell her MrYang recommend come to her, she will serve you well

Perfect for those who always get disappointed service from other shops and had never experience good service, she is highly recommended for you.


  • Highly recommended.
  • Master in thai massage
  • Superb service
  • Medium big boobs
  • Can speak English, Chinese, Cantonese
  • Highly experience in b2b


-Kitty is highly recommended if you are a big boobs lover and enjoy a master thai massag1e therapy for your soreness body.

-Kitty had many years experience in this sensual b2b massage. So if you only interested with sensual b2b massage, highly recommended to get her too on top of good quality thai massage for your tiredness body.

-Kitty is consider one of the legendary level service too as her highly experience service knowing how to serve all kind of customers well.

Just tell her MrYang recommend you to visit her, she will give you good service even if she is tired. Kindly provide your comment & or write a simple reviews after try her in return 🙏

Read her comments review from her fan =)

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